Christian tours to Holy land (Israel)

Good Shepherd Tours offers Christian Tours to the Holy Land (Israel) with optional extensions to Rome, Turkey, Athens or Jordan.

Your tour can depart from over 40 cities in United States and various cities in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Click on the tour that you are interested in for full program details.

Israel the land of Jesus (10 days)

This extensive tour program includes one night in Netanya, two nights in Tiberias and 5 nights in Jerusalem as we follow in the footsteps of Jesus, visiting Biblical sites that include Caesarea, Mount Carmel, Nazareth, a boatride on the Sea of Galilee, the Dead Sea, Bethlehem, and Jerusalem. This truly is a tour of a lifetime, one that every Christian should experience!

Sites are tailored to Catholic or Protestant groups, so be sure to let us know your preference!

Israel & Turkey tour (12 days)

This tour takes our Best of Israel program (Israel the land of Jesus), and adds two days in Turkey – the birthplace of Christianity.

In Turkey, marvel at the wonders of Istanbul, the only city located on two continents, visit the Blue Mosque, the Hippodrome and more as you add experiences to your trip of a lifetime!

Israel & Rome tour (12 days)

The birthplace of Catholicism is also a step into Ancient History!

After visiting Israel and following in the footsteps of Jesus, come to Rome and relive the life of the ancient Romans, with the Colosseum, Vatican City and so much more.

Israel & Athens tour (12 days)

A natural extension to a Holy Land tour is Athens, one of the oldest cities in the world and the birthplace of our judicial system, as well as the home to the prophet Paul who spread the word of Christianity in both Turkey and Greece.

Visit the perfection of the Parthenon at the Acropolis, enjoy a cruise to three Greek islands and explore Athens in this excursion into ancient civilizations – the perfect end to our Holy Land pilgrimage.

Israel & Jordan tour (12 days)

A visit to the Holy Land is more complete when you cross the Allenby Bridge and enter the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. At Mt. Nebo, it is believed that Moses is buried here after viewing the Promised Land that he sought for 40 years. We can travel the Kings Highway, used by both Abraham and Moses, and visit Petra, the Rose Red City “half as old as time” and one of the most beautiful remains of antiquity, or Jerash, known as the Pompeii of the east for its extraordinarily preserved ruins.

This two day extension is the ultimate culmination to your trip of a Lifetime!

Seven Churches of Revelation tour (11 days)

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Marvels of Europe (13 days)

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